
When the revised Order of Christian Funerals went into effect in the United States in 1989, one of the new features was the following rubric after the communion prayer and before the final commendation: “A member or a friend of the family may speak in remembrance of the deceased before the final commendation begins.”
For the past 23 years, Tom Garwood of Buxton has been accompanying his wife, Eva, to Mass.  They raised four daughters in the faith, as well.  Until this Easter, however, Tom himself was not Catholic. He was Methodist.
“Give your all and God gives you one hundredfold.” Time and time again, that is what Sister Linda Mae Plourde says she has found throughout her years as a Sister of the Presentation of Mary.
With the unknown, there is sometimes fear.  But with knowledge, comes the opportunity for friendship. It was with that belief in mind that Catholics and Muslims sat down together to share supper
Whether she is competing on the soccer field, practicing a dance routine, or performing in a play, Delia Bonner says she always tries to make sure that her faith shines through.
With spring in the air, the media turns its attention to weddings. In this regard, I recently came across an article that spoke positively of the marriage workshop the author and his wife were required to take before their Catholic wedding.
Recently, the Holy See promulgated a new instruction regarding cremation, "To Rise with Christ.”  By now, I suppose most American Catholics are aware of the fact that cremation is now allowed in the Catholic Church, after many years of being prohibited.  That change in the law has been with us since the early 1960’s.
It is hard to believe that it has been five years since the introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal.  It was in November 2011 that we began using the new translation.