Sexual Harassment Protection

It is the policy of the Diocese of Portland that all employees are entitled to work in an environment free from all forms of harassment. The Diocese will not tolerate the harassment of individuals for any reason. Comments, conduct, and innuendoes that might be perceived by others as offensive or harassing are wholly inappropriate and are to be strictly avoided.

Harassment is considered conduct that is focused on a person or group of persons including, but not limited to, physical or verbal abuse, unwelcome activity of a sexual nature, retaliation, as well as any behavior or action that interferes with an employee’s ability to perform assignments or that creates a hostile or intimidating work environment.

If you believe you are being sexually harassed, you should notify your supervisor or Elizabeth Allen, the Diocesan Human Resource Director.

If you believe your complaint is not being handled properly, Maine law allows you to file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission within six months of the alleged act of unlawful discrimination. You may contact the commission at 51 State House Station, Augusta, ME, 04333-0051; 207-624-6050.

An employee cannot be discharged or otherwise punished or penalized because of any action taken to assert his/her rights under the Maine Human Rights Act or because he/she assisted in the enforcement of the act.

Online Training

The links below are intended for internal training with the Diocese of Portland. These videos are meant to help you in your job and meet any requirements for training. Videos can be see here 

If you have any questions after viewing the training, please contact your supervisor or the Human Resources Department at 207-773-6471 or