
I was putting together an adult faith formation presentation on conscience. They asked me for a snazzy title for the bulletin announcement. I am not good on snazzy titles but the one that came to mind was: “Following your conscience… all the way to hell.” Let me explain.
t has now been just over a year since the introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal. With only occasional slips, we have pretty much mastered “And with your spirit” and “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof.”
There is a notion in contemporary society that religion ought to have no role in the public sphere. We often hear that opinion expressed, in one form or another, at election time.
In the introduction to his book, What is the Point of Being Christian, Father Timothy Radcliffe, former worldwide leader of the Dominican Order, writes: “A community which founded its existence on the claim to moral superiority would not only be repulsive but would inevitably invite people to search out their failures and expose them with glee.
As I said in my previous column, I really wanted to write a column about the Eucharist to serve as a link between Easter (April 8) and the Solemnity of the Body of Christ (June10).
“I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” I am sure you recognize these words immediately: they come from the Creed we recite at Mass every week.
When I was a young boy, probably 10 or 11, my father gave me a hand missal such as was common at that time so that I could follow along at the Mass, with the Latin on the left-hand page and an English translation on the right.
One day last year at this time, as I walked out for the newspaper in the morning, I had to walk through a pile of leaves which had collected in the driveway. I always find something sad about the leaves falling each autumn.
By now, I suspect, most readers are aware that in a few months we will begin using a new English translation of the Mass. We have had the translation we are currently using for almost 40 years.
Several months ago, when the National Football League postponed a game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Minnesota Vikings because of a snowstorm that Sunday in Philly, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell complained, “We’ve become a nation of wusses.”
As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family this year, it is important for us to reflect on the Gospel which recounts the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt to escape King Herod.
Recently, I noticed how often at funerals we sing “Amazing Grace.” It’s the most popular hymn in America. Curiously, I heard on the radio once that the song most often played at funerals held at funeral homes is “I did it my way” with Frank Sinatra.
The Barna Group, a research company which studies the relationship between spirituality and culture, has reported that “71% of United States adults say that they have developed their own slate of religious beliefs, rather than accepting the tenets of a particular faith or religious group.” I don’t get it.
Since my arrival in Maine as your bishop six years ago, I have subscribed to Down East: The Magazine of Maine. I look forward every month to its informative and enjoyable mélange of Maine facts, opinion, fiction and trivia.
The Neuhaus family has been waiting for a phone call for nearly a year. Their van sits ready, fully packed. As the seasons change, so does the clothing, from T-shirts to sweaters and then back to T-shirts again.