Young Adult Ministry
"Just as he once encountered the young Paul, Jesus also wants to encounter each one of you, my dear young people. Indeed, even before we desire it, such an encounter is ardently desired by Jesus Christ."
-Pope Benedict XVI, Message on the Occasion of the Twenty-Fourth World Youth Day
"Dear young people, the Lord, the Church, the world are waiting for your answer to the unique call that each one receives in this life!"
-Pope Francis, Message on the Occasion of the Thirty-Third World Youth Day
The vision and purpose of Catholic Young Adult Ministry of the Diocese of Portland is to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church by advocating for and supporting Catholic young adult ministry on the diocesan, cluster and parish levels. As such our first priority is to serve those who serve the Church in delivering comprehensive young adult ministry programming, as articulated in Sons and Daughters of the Light, with catechesis being the foundation upon which such programs are developed.
Additionally, our office will provide leadership, resources, services, retreats and conferences for the education, formation and evangelization of young adults and their families. We will advocate for the roles and needs of young adults in the Church and in society and promote the role of the Church and the Gospel in their lives.
Goals of Catholic Young Adult Ministry
From: Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Ministry with Young Adults
In every age, Jesus Christ is the light of all nations (Lumen Gentium, no. 1) with Christian men and women called to reflect the light of Christ and, in this way, to be "light" for the world. To reflect the light of Christ requires a maturity of faith and a willingness to live this faith daily in society. We join the Holy Father in affirming the essential dignity of young adult men and women--those in their late teens, twenties and thirties--as "sons and daughters of the light." Yet, many young adults tell us that they face increasingly complex and difficult times and that they need the help of the Catholic Christian community to be this "light."
The goals for ministry with young adults (ages 18-39) are:
- Connecting young adults with Jesus Christ through spiritual formation/direction, religious education/formation, and vocation discernment
- Connecting young adults with the Church through evangelizing outreach, formation of the faith community, and pastoral care
- Connecting young adults with the mission of the Church in the world through forming a Christian conscience, educating and working for justice, and developing leaders for the present and the future
- Connecting young adults with a peer community through developing peer leadership and identifying a young adult team for the purpose of forming faith communities of peers
Around the Diocese
Casco Bay Catholics
- Casco Bay Catholics is a ministry for young adults in the greater Portland area. This ministry seeks to foster a vibrant community of young adults who strive to grow in faith and fellowship together in various ways. Events and gatherings will include hosting speakers on various topics, social events, service opportunities, and more! To register for the Casco Bay communications list please fill out this form. Contact Abrey Feliccia at for more information.
Theology in the County
- Theology in the County takes place at Par and Grill Restaurant in Caribou, Maine. Theology in the County provides an opportunity for Catholic fellowship in a casual form where adults (ages 18+) gather for challenging and relevant presentations on our faith and how it applies to daily life. Each session will begin with a social followed by a presentation given by a guest speaker and time for an informal discussion and Q & A. It gives adults the opportunity to network with one another and be part of the larger Catholic community that extends beyond their parish setting. For more information contact Theresa Bonner at
Unite Catholic Young Adults Group
- The Unite Catholic Young Adult Group meets in Old Town. Young adults in the Old Town area meet and share food, faith, and fellowship. Young adults also gather for outings such as bowling, game nights, and mini golf. Unite meets every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Interested young adults can contact Ben Dibello at for more information.