Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

The mission of the Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (MDCCW) is to "unite the Catholic Women of Maine in spirituality, leadership, and service - responding with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society with direction and action."

Our History: 

On June 30, 1933 a meeting was called by Bishop Joseph E. McCarthy to organize a Diocesan Council of Catholic women, to be called: The Portland, Maine Diocesan Council. The name was later changed to the Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. 

Our Members: 

MDCCW membership includes parish groups, national organizations and individual members. Membership links Catholic women throughout the state, who come together to grow in friendship, spirituality and service. A typical meeting includes a prayer service, educational program, Council business, Mass and time for fellowship. As an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, (NCCW) we are further linked to issues important to women nationally as well as globally.

The Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women meetings are held in various parishes throughout the state on the fourth Saturday in January, April, July and October. A one day Assembly is held in the even year and a two day convention is held on the odd year.

Membership Information:

Sandy Breton
MDCCW President

Our Affiliates:

The National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW)

The National Council of Catholic Women was founded at the request of the United States Catholic Bishops. They had witnessed the important work accomplished by the Catholic women’s groups during World War I and urged them to unite their efforts by forming a national organization. Today, the organization acts though their many affiliates, such as the Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, to support, empower and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service.

NCCW holds membership in the International World Union of Catholic Women’s Organization. (WUCWO) It is an affiliate organization of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  

For more information:

World Union of Catholic Women's Organization (WUCWO)

WUCWO is recognized by the Holy See as an International Catholic Organization. WUCWO International representatives carry your voice to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, and the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome.

The aim of WUCWO is to promote the presence, participation, and co-responsibility of Catholic women in church and society and to enable them to fulfill their mission of evangelization and to work for human development.

NCCW plays a vital leadership role in the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO), which was founded in 1910 and now includes 100 member organizations representing all continents.

For more information: