Property Management

The Office of Property Management assists pastors, administrators, parishioners, architects, and contractors in the development and completion of building/renovation projects, hazardous materials, handicapped accessibility, life safety codes, maintenance programs, compliance with AHERA regulations for asbestos in all school buildings and parish facilities, procuring energy at competitive prices, leasing, purchasing and sales of property and much more.

The process for the construction of new facilities and the renovation and maintenance of existing facilities in the diocese is often complex due to the many serious legal and contractual considerations. There is the occasion for a potentially high level of financial risk and liability for both the parish and the diocese. This necessitates deliberate and complete planning, and the involvement of numerous individuals, committees, and constituencies. These include the pastor, parish pastoral council, parish finance council, parish building committee, various professionals such as architects, contractors, liturgical consultants, the bishop, the diocesan finance director and director of property management.

It is not the work of the diocese to design, build, or maintain property but rather to direct, advise and provide resources in order to be successful. Another key factor is communication. Good communication between the diocese and you will be an essential component for the success of any project. The following is some information and procedures to assist you.

Best Practices - Risk Management Best Practices Guide, Revised July 2011

AHERA Management Plan for Schools - AHERA was enacted in 1986. The purpose of AHERA is, through the implementation of a management system referred to as the Management Plan, to safely manage asbestos containing materials found in schools. The Management Plan Book has been implemented with all Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland Schools that have asbestos containing materials.

Annual Underground Oil Tank Inspections - When must inspections be performed and by whom

ASBESTOS Guidelines for NON-School Facilities - Diocesan policy requires that, wherever and whenever possible, all buildings and other facilities in the diocese must be environmentally safe and in compliance with current federal and state regulations.

Building Project Checklist

Elevators - Inspections, Certificate, Repair and Maintenace Guidelines

Handicapped Accessibility - The diocese is committed to providing a barrier free environment throughout its facilities wherever and whenever possible.

Lightning Rods - General Information

Parking Lots

Pesticides Pose Potential Risks in Schools - School administrators and other persons who have pest control decision-making responsibilities for school buildings and grounds should become aware of the pest control options available to them. It is in everyone's best interest to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

Procedural Guide for Demolition of Buildings


Handbook for Public Playground Safety - U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) Handbook for Public Playground Safety.

Prequalification of Contractors - To protect against unskilled, financially unstable or irresponsible general contractors, the diocese requires that all contractors invited to bid on work must be pre-qualified by the diocese’s director of finance and director of property management.

Sale of Parish Property - Procedural Guide for Sale of Parish Property

Rental Application

Roof Maintenance - A maintenance program will allow capital to be set aside on an orderly basis so that as each roof membrane finally reaches the end of its life-cycle and no longer is economical to maintain, it can be replace in the best possible weather.

Boiler Maintenance - Daily, weekly, monlthy and annual Stream Boiler Maintenance guide.

Universal Waste - Universal Wastes are wastes that contain hazardous materials such as mercury, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB).

Pews - When should you consider restoring your pews?