Saint André Home
Founded on Easter Sunday in 1940 by the Good Shepherd Sisters of Quebec, Saint André Home is a private, non-profit Catholic organization that offers experience, knowledge and personal guidance to young women and families.
In all of its services, the staff at Saint André Home work to bring families together. Its mission is to serve women and children in need, to strengthen and restore child and family life, and to promote the individual dignity of each person.
Saint André Home's work is currently focused on CourageLIVES, which serves as a comprehensive community center serving anyone impacted by human trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. This includes the Empowerment Pantry, stocked with nutritious food, baby necessities, pet items, and toiletries, and the Courage Clothing Closet.
Learn more:
Telephone: 207-282-3351 or 1-888-844-9661
CourageLIVES Central Office Mailing Address: PO Box 2373, Bangor, ME 04402