Resources for Families and Educators
If you are a parent or an educator and someone you know is discerning the priesthood or religious life, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to start in terms of supporting them. These resources, gratefully compiled by the USCCB and the Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association, are here to assist you in taking those pivotal steps in aiding your child or student in the discernment process.
- USCCB Vocations Resources for Families - A list of useful tools and resources for parents and family members who wish to foster a culture of vocation in their homes.
- Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association Resources - Another list of resources for parents and educators who would like to encourage vocations at home and at school.
- Vocations Videos for Parents and Educators - Multiple playlists comprised of interviews with discerners, seminarians, priests, and parents discussing the discernment process.
- Vocations Lesson Plans - A variety of lesson plans and materials used by teachers around the country to promote vocational discernment.
- Lesson Plans/Activities for Teachers and Youth Groups A comprehensive list of lesson plans for students K-8, as well as discussion materials for high school students.
- Educator Best Practices - Resources and activities for educators, as well as ideas for volunteer opportunities that are geared toward helping youth get involved in vocations.
If you would like to request vocations posters or prayer cards, please email: