
New Year’s Eve 1954 was the beginning of a wonderful life together for Barbara and Eugene Fetteroll.  They met on a blind date, married two and a half years later, and have been together ever since.
When I was in high school, we used to have to memorize poems and other classic works.  I remember only bits and pieces today, but among them is the beginning of Portia's speech in The Merchant of Venice...
Every now and again, we read about some city or state in our country where a Christian group is fighting to post the Ten Commandments in the statehouse or at the state supreme court or someplace similar, on public land.  I always find that odd.
“Pray for me.  Don’t forget! Pray for me.” These were the final words of Pope Francis as he concluded Mass for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia and brought an end to his incredible visit to our country.
Pure gift. That is how Sister Mariae Agnus Dei, S.V., describes her call to religious life. “It was more than winning the lottery. Everything else pales,” she says.
With words and gestures, in homilies and handshakes and hugs, Pope Francis shared a message of love and hope, respect and responsibility, during his Apostolic Journey to the United States.
Think back with me about 10-15 years.  Maybe you remember Diversity Days.  These were days in schools and in businesses, in many places, which celebrated the diversity of our society and urged people to respect the differences which enrich the nation like the many colors of the rainbow.
A few weeks ago, I was visiting Philadelphia for the annual Knights of Columbus convention. The meeting brings together the leadership of councils and states from around the world to hear the annual report and elect new leadership...
“I’ve never been happier.  I have never been happier!” Father Steven Cartwright says it’s hard to put into words what he was experiencing when Bishop Robert Deeley laid hands on him and prayed the prayer of ordination
 “The only words we’re going to use are: ‘Be still and know that I am God.’” Sister Aline Plante, P.M., leads a contemplative retreat for women at the Marie Joseph Spiritual Center in Biddeford.
The T-shirts they wear say it all:  “Churches united in love.”  For 21 years, volunteers from faith communities throughout the Fairfield and Benton area have been coming together to provide food for those who are struggling.
It’s never too late to realize your dreams. That’s the idea behind the Maine Health Care Association’s Live Your Dream Awards, presented to residents living in long-term care facilities across the state.
During these last months, we have had the privilege of celebrating some special anniversaries and jubilees.  It was a great joy to gather in the spring with those of our priests who have special anniversaries this year.