Lenten Retreats

Retreats provide a wonderful opportunity to step away from daily tasks and to concentrate on nurturing your spiritual life and building your relationship with Christ. Below, you will find a list of retreat opportunities this Lent.

All Saints Parish, Brunswick

The Sunday Refuel

Fr. Phil Tracy and Sheila Murphy will lead a mini retreats that will explore the parts of the Mass. The first session will be held on February 25 at St. Patrick Church, 380 Academy Hill Road in Newcastle and a repeat session will be held March 3 at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 132 McKeen Street in Brunswick. Both will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Christian Life Center, Frenchville

The Fasting Way for Women

The Fasting Way for Women, a one-day retreat, will be presented by Joyanna Deschaine on Saturday, February 24, at the Christian Life Center in Frenchville. The cost is $35 per person. Pre-registration is required. Please contact the Christian Life Center from Tuesday-Thursday by calling 207-543-6193. The registration deadline is February 21.

Diocese of Portland

Maine Catholic Men's Conference

Men from across the Diocese of Portland are invited to attend the Maine Catholic Men's conference, which will be held March 2, 2024, at Notre Dame du Perpetuel Secours Church, 116 Silver Street in Waterville. The men's conference is an opportunity to gather as Catholic men to pray, to listen to keynotes and witnesses, and to be nourished by the sacraments to go out and love and serve God and his children. The day will also include eucharistic adoration, time for fellowship, and a concluding Mass celebrated by Bishop Robert Deeley. The cost is $70 per person with a special price of $85 for a father and high school-aged son who register together. FMI: https://portlanddiocese.org/Mens-conference-2024.

Maine Catholic Women's Conference

The Diocese of Portland in collaboration with the Maine Catholic Women’s Conference Planning Committee will present  the 11th Maine Catholic Women’s Conference on March 16, 2024, at the Holiday Inn By the Bay in Portland. The conference is a joy-filled opportunity for Catholic women ages 16 and older to come together to celebrate their Catholic faith. Group activities are planned from 9:15 a.m. to 5 p.m., starting with prayer and a presentation by featured speaker Danielle Bean. The conference will conclude with Mass presided over by Bishop Robert P. Deeley.

Doors open at 8:30 am to allow time to enjoy a light breakfast, visit the vendors, go to confession, or talk with other Catholic women from around the state. FMI and to register: https://portlanddiocese.org/mcwc.

Holy Spirit Parish, Wells

Lenten Eucharistic Revival Retreat

Holy Spirit Parish will hold a Lenten Eucharistic Revival Retreat March 3-5 featuring nationally known speaker and author Deacon Matt Halbach. The retreat will begin on Sunday, March 3, at 3 p.m. at St. Martha Church, 30 Portland Road in Kennebunk. The day will include Mass followed by a parish dinner sponsored by the Kennebunk Knights of Columbus. Days two and three of the retreat will be held at St. Mary Church, 236 Eldridge Road in Wells, following the 8 a.m. Mass and again at St. Martha Church beginning with the 6 p.m. Mass. If planning on attending, please contact Judy at St. Mary Church, 207-646-5605, Rosanne at St. Martha Church, 207-985-6252, or email Carolyn at carolyn.houston@portlanddiocese.org.

Portland Peninsula & Island Parishes

Men's Retreat

The Portland Peninsula & Island Parishes will offer a Lenten retreat for men on Saturday, February 24, 9 am. to 1 p.m., at St. Peter Church, 72 Federal Street in Portland. There is a suggested donation of $20. Registration information can be found here.

Women's Retreat

The Portland Peninsula & Island Parishes will offer a Lenten retreat for women on Saturday, February 17, 9 am. to 1:30 p.m., at St. Peter Church, 72 Federal Street in Portland. The featured presenter will be Mother Mary Maximilian of the Daughters of Mary Mother of Healing Love in New Hampshire. Mother Maximilian has been in religious life for more than 37 years. She spent most of her years at St. Charles School, learning the power of Healing Love through the care of abused and neglected children. There is a suggested donation of $20. Registration information can be found here.

Prince of Peace Parish, Lewiston

Men's Retreat

Prince of Peace Parish's 3rd annual Men’s Lenten Retreat will be held February 17, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Holy Trinity Church, 67 Frost Hill Avenue in Lisbon Falls. Men of the parish and beyond are invited join the three priests of the parish - Fr. Daniel Greenleaf, Fr. Patrick Finn, and Fr. Elaiyaraja Thaniyel, HGN - who would like to begin Lent by offering a day for men to reflect on their faith. The retreat is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus councils in the parish. FMI: https://princeofpeace.me/news/3rd-annual-mens-lenten-retreat

St. Brendan the Navigator Parish, Camden

Parish Lenten Retreat for Married Couples

Married couples are invited to spend some time on their relationship this Lent and attend a retreat on Saturday, March 15, at 1 p.m. at Our Lady of Good Hope Church, 7 Union Street in Camden. Couples will listen to presentations by everyday people regarding barriers, obstacles, and how hurt feelings and downward spirals can be understood and stopped. The retreat will conclude with the 4 p.m. Mass. FMI: 207-236-4785 or stbrendan@portlanddiocese.org

St. Matthew Parish, Limerick

Lenten mini-retreat

Father Wilfred Labbe, Deacon Paul Lissandrello, and Deacon John Buchholz will lead Lenten mini-retreats March 4-6 at St. Matthew Church, 19 Dora Lane in Limerick, and March 11-13 at Holy Family Church, 66 North Avenue in Sanford. The retreats at both locations start at 6:30 p.m.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux Parish, Sanford

Lenten mini-retreat

Father Wilfred Labbe, Deacon Paul Lissandrello, and Deacon John Buchholz will lead Lenten mini-retreats March 4-6 at St. Matthew Church, 19 Dora Lane in Limerick, and March 11-13 at Holy Family Church, 66 North Avenue in Sanford. The retreats at both locations start at 6:30 p.m.