Your Stories

“Let’s see. There’s Fran, JoAnne, Diane, Turk, and Roy.” Father Philip Clement, administator of St. Peter the Fisherman Parish in Machias, has no problem naming the regulars who attend Mass at St. Timothy Church in Welshpool.
You know that soon you will likely be among those on the front lines of a global health crisis. There are questions and concerns and not a lot of experience from which to draw since the infectious assailant is one no one has confronted before.
Positive. Confident. Motivated. Helpful. Surrounded by splashes of color, those are among the words that greet you as you enter Holy Cross School in South Portland.
“The coats that we ordered are for kids in grades 2 through 8.” Bob Frederick from Moosehead Lake Council 2368 shows other Knights of Columbus two of the 27 coats the council purchased for children attending Greenville Consolidated School.
On Sunday mornings, the first-floor hallway of St. André Health Care in Biddeford is a busy place. In wheelchairs, with walkers, or with an arm to lean upon, around 30 residents are making their way to the community room for the celebration of Mass.
I start with the centerpiece and then go to the bottom and then around.” Roger Jean of Augusta explains his technique for making rosary beads, something he has been doing for more than a quarter century now.
While the closure of the Monastery of the Precious Blood is still keenly felt by many in the Diocese of Portland, two beautiful pieces from the monastery’s chapel will now grace another faith community.
Unity, friendship, and charity.  They are the principles at the heart of the Daughters of Isabella, an international Catholic women’s organization, and they are words to live by for members of St. Thomas Circle 546 in Madawaska.
“This is what we call the base fabric, so that is what we lay down on the base. Then, everything else would be an accent.” It’s not often that you hear a priest sharing sewing tips with parishioners, but that is what you’ll find happening at St. Peter the Fisherman Parish in Machias.
“Hey there. How ya doing?” Dixie Shaw, the director of Hunger and Relief Services for Catholic Charities Maine, cheerfully greets driver after driver as they pull up next to a truck loaded with boxes of food.