Cheverus High School Announces New Four-Year Scholarship to Celebrate Service and the Ignatian Year
PORTLAND--Cheverus High School in Portland has announced that a new scholarship, the Jesuit Spirit of Service Scholarship, will be offered for first-time freshmen. In keeping with the school’s Catholic and Jesuit heritage, the full four-year scholarship will be awarded to an applicant whose contributions to their community through service and leadership warrant special recognition.
The scholarship, which was made possible through the generosity of Cheverus donors, will be awarded to an entering grade nine student who combines strong moral character with a desire to serve those in need in the community.
“In this Ignatian Year, the 500th anniversary of the conversion of St. Ignatius, the founder of the Society of Jesus, this new scholarship specifically recognizes the importance of service rooted in love, which is core to our mission,” said Fr. Robert Pecoraro, S.J., the president of Cheverus. “This school year, Cheverus provided tuition assistance to over 75% of students.”
In addition to this new scholarship, Cheverus offers three other scholarships for children of active military personnel, first responders, and diocesan teachers:
Military Service Scholarship
The scholarship provides financial assistance for incoming freshmen who are daughters or sons of active military service personnel with demonstrated financial need.
First Responder Scholarship
The scholarship provides financial assistance for incoming freshmen who are daughters or sons of active first responders (active career police officers or firefighters/EMTs) with demonstrated financial need.
Diocesan Teacher Scholarship
The scholarship provides financial assistance for incoming freshmen who are daughters or sons of full-time teachers in Diocese of Portland elementary and middle schools with demonstrated financial need.
For more information about scholarships and how to apply, visit For more information about the admissions process in general, please contact our Beth Hanley, director of admissions, at (207) 774-6238, ext. 114, or