A Letter from Bishop Ruggieri Regarding Saint Dominic Academy

After much prayer, consultation, and reflection, it is with a heavy heart that I share with you my decision to close the high school division of St. Dominic Academy (grades 9-12) at the conclusion of the current school year. This is a very difficult decision, and I am saddened by the impact it will have on the St. Dominic community. The closure of the high school is a significant loss to the present St. Dominic community, as well as to alumni/alumnae and the broader Lewiston-Auburn area.

The pre-K to grade 8 programs will continue. All these grades will reside at the Holy Cross campus in Lewiston for the 2025-2026 school year. School and diocesan leadership will collaborate during this period of change to build upon the foundation already established at the Lewiston campus. St. Dominic Academy in Lewiston will continue to provide a strong Catholic education for its students.

I realize that this announcement may be both shocking and deeply upsetting to you; however, based on a thorough analysis of enrollment data over the past eight years and financial data over the past five years, it is clear to me that the high school program is no longer financially sustainable.

I recognize and am grateful for the hard work that our current administration has invested in the school. I commend Mrs. Martin and her team for their courageous efforts. I am also aware of committed donors who continue to support the school. However, the present problems have some deep roots.

  • Currently, the high school enrollment at St. Dominic Academy stands at 137 students. The average high school enrollment since 2018 is 141 students. The high school program is not financially solvent given its low enrollment.
  • Enrollment would have to surge and hold steady to sustain the high school into the future. However, with increased enrollment come more instructional and administrative costs. Therefore, it is challenging to estimate the enrollment threshold for school viability; arguably, doubling the number of students with full-pay students would be needed to make the high school viable.
  • Operational losses for St. Dominic Academy from 2020-2025 are forecasted to be approximately $2.5 million of which the diocese subsidized approximately $1 million. In the end, the diocese will have covered all those costs.

Earlier this afternoon, I met with the St. Dominic Academy administration, teachers, and staff from the Auburn campus to inform them of the decision and offer support in the coming days. On Monday, support will also be available to students as they experience various emotions and feelings associated with the impending closure.

On Thursday, April 10, at 6:00 p.m., I will host a forum for families of students currently enrolled in grades 8-12 at the Auburn campus. At this gathering, I, along with others from the diocese, will answer questions and provide resources for those transitioning to another high school. Families of students in grades 5 through 7 will have a separate meeting to address any questions they may have.

Please be assured that the diocese is not abandoning St. Dominic Academy, and we will work diligently to maintain a vibrant Catholic elementary and middle school at the Lewiston campus moving forward. Additionally, please be assured that school and diocesan officials will do their best to attend to the needs of the current faculty, staff, and students at the school, so that they can cope with this news and complete the current school year successfully.

Bishop James T. Ruggieri