All Welcome to Gather at Healing Service in Newcastle

NEWCASTLE---Fr. Richard Rice will lead a special healing service at St. Patrick Church, located on 380 Academy Hill Road in Newcastle, on Sunday, June 11, at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to gather at the service, which will also include prayer teams to assist those in need.

Fr. Rice has served as a parish priest, hospital chaplain, and leader of charismatic renewal for over 60 years.

“We pray that the Holy Spirit will meet the needs of those gathered for their healing and their personal holiness,” said Fr. Rice.

Catholics believe that healing occurs during all Masses through the gift of the Holy Spirit, but during a healing service, the theme of the entire gathering is healing, from the celebrant to the music to the participants and prayer teams. 

“Participants remain open to the Holy Spirit and invite Him into their hearts in order for healing to take place,” said Fr. Rice.

The theme of renewal is reflected in the liturgical prayers and Scripture readings, as well as in the music, which often consists of spirited praise and worship songs.

Every situation is different but most involved say they receive an increase in awareness of Jesus being present and bringing peace and renewed strength.

For more information about the service, email Donald Leaver at